David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar?
Carl Hiaasen or Kurt Vonnegut?
Satire or Humor?
I dunno? They both have their pros and cons. Right now my novel is listed under satire. I didn't pick the category, Amazon did (at least, I think that's how it happened. If not then ignore this post. Get on with the rest of your life). I considered it humorous fiction. You'd find it right next to Jennifer Weiner's (no relation) stuff.
Christopher Moore or Chuck Palahniuk?
They're both in the general fiction section, though I'd label them satire, but then there is no satire section in my local bookstore. So I guess they're general fiction?
Go ahead, pretend you're a novel. Where would you land on the bookshelf?
Ozzy or Dio?
A writer has a chance to list dozens of tag words to associate with their novel. For instance I have "satire" listed as well as "paralyzed" and "Chihuahua." So much for tag words. If someone were searching for information on caring for a paraplegic, my novel might pop up. That sucks. I'd be annoyed. Might even write the author a letter letting them know they're a tag whore. That's where we're at with selling a book these days. Not very targeted. Possibly offensive.
Did you think of what section you'd be on a shelf - or in the Amazon ebook section?
John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy?
Pimpin' ain't easy.
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